Morning habits you need in 2020 for a more productive day

Morning habits you need in 2020
For most people, mornings are associated with being tired and groggy, dragging yourself out of bed and rushing off to work. Now I don’t know about you, but that is not my idea of a great morning routine, and it’s certainly not one that will set you up for productivity and success, either. We all want to be super productive and finish our tasks on time so that we have time for ourselves. One thing we all can do to make sure our productivity levels are high is to establish a morning routine.

So if you’re looking for a way to transform your morning, keep reading and you’ll find out how to create your very own morning routine of champions!

Different routines work for different people, but there are general habits that we know are beneficial that you may wish to incorporate into your own routine.

Just remember, whatever habits you decide to adopt in your productive morning routine, the most important thing you can do is be consistent.

1. Wake up early

Wake up early

There is something about waking up early that does wonders for productivity. 

It’s obvious when you think about it… it increases the window between the time you wake and the time that the rest of the world starts moving, meaning you have more time to just focus on yourself and do your own thing.

Imagine you get up at 6am, that’s 3 whole hours that you now have to fill with habits that will set you up for a productive rest of the day.

For this reason, I truly believe that a productive morning routine always begins with getting up early.

2. Avoid technology

Avoid technology
It’s easy to wake up and immediately grab your phone to check what you may have missed during the night, but doing so can stunt the morning’s productivity. If the first thing you look at when you wake up is a Twitter feed full of bad news or Instagram posts that only trigger your FOMO, you’re creating a reactive mindset instead of a proactive one.

News is rarely positive so reading an article about war, crime, or corruption just after you open your eyes will put you in a defensive mood from the moment you wake up. Instead of reaching for your phone or laptop, take that time to lay on your back with your eyes open, thinking about what you want to accomplish during the day. This way, you can wake up your body slowly with a peaceful and determined mindset.

3. Exercise in morning

Yes, it’s hard to motivate yourself to go to the gym right when you wake up. It’s easier to blow it off and say you’ll go tomorrow but not all exercise is an intense and sweaty workout. A simple walk around the block, ten minutes of yoga, or a set of sit-ups or push-ups can get you moving and ready for the day.

No one’s exercise routine will be the same. Figure out what works for you and put it in your calendar to keep you accountable. It doesn’t have to be intense or even require you to leave your house! Just getting your body moving and your blood pumping will distract you from the worries of the day.

4. Make yourself a healthy breakfast

Healthy breakfast
You may have heard that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” and honestly, I feel like there’s definitely some truth to this - eating breakfast is really a non-negotiable for me if I want to have a productive day.

You may feel like you don’t need breakfast to function, but that doesn’t mean that you should go without it!

We get our energy from food, so nourishing our bodies with fuel before we go on with the rest of our day makes perfect sense if we want to be our most productive.

What’s more, try to avoid high carb breakfasts such as cereal or toast since these really don’t give us much in the way of sustainable energy.

Instead, try to incorporate healthy fats and proteins to fuel your brain and keep you going for longer!

5. Make a to-do list

Make to do list
As your morning begins, think about the goals you want to set for the day. This can be anything from organizing a meeting you’ve been putting off, taking your dog to the groomer, or planning a date night. Try to limit your to-do list to five main goals, this way it’s less daunting and more realistic.

Once you’ve come up with these goals, write them down in a notebook or in your project management app (wherever it’s more convenient). Rank them on priority so you can tackle the most important tasks first. Writing them down instead of keeping them inside your head helps to create physical goals rather than keep them as abstract thoughts. You’ll have a sense of purpose as you leave the house and set off for the day.

Plus, you get to cross them off once they’re done which is always satisfying.

6. Plan your day

Plan your day
Planning is an essential part of productivity - if you go about life without a plan then it’s highly unlikely you’re going to stumble into success (unless you’re very lucky).
Make sure that you have a plan in place before you begin your day to ensure that you stay focused on your goals and are moving towards them at a steady pace.

If you want an even more productive morning routine, then plan your day the evening before!

Sure, this technically doesn’t count as a morning habit but it will greatly impact your productivity all the same.

If you plan your days in the evening then this frees up your morning to focus on all the other productive morning habits you love to do, and when the time comes to start work you can do so right away!

Are there any morning habits that are non-negotiable for you? Let me know in the comments!


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